Qi Meditation Workshop!
Feb 7, 2020. 6:00-8:00 PM and Feb 8-9, 2020. 2:00-4:00 PM.
Qi is the essence of life and the life force energy that flows in every tissue and organ to sustain and support all physiological function of the human body. Many factors can interrupt Qi flow creating Qi stagnation and blockage. Qi Meditation is an ideal form of practice that facilitates regulation of Qi flow and brings out the body’s own healing mechanisms, potentially reducing many chronic conditions, pains, stresses, sleep problems, and other internal ailments.
LOCATION: Walter Art Gallery, 6425 Thomas Rd, Scottsdale AZ 85251
REGISTER: at hugthemoon.qigong@gmail.com or call 708-218-2991
PRICE: $75 by Jan 31, 2020. $90 after Jan 31, 2020.
ATTIRE: Loose fitting exercise clothing and soft shoes.
CONTACT: Xie Ling at the above email address.